Cherwell Local Plan 2042

The Consultation on Cherwell’s Local Plan 2042 has now ended. KDW has submitted its response and we are very pleased to report that it was endorsed by 240 people through this website. Thank you to everybody who did this.


KDW’s response supports the Parish Council’s aim of creating a “Green Ring” around the village and asks for the designation of three "Local Green Spaces"  - Church FieldsBury Moor Fields (behind the Moors) and Stratfield Brake. More information on our response is available here.


The Council will now collate all of the responses received before submitting them, with the plan, to the Government for examination by an independent planning inspector.


KDW Submission to Cherwell Local Plan 2042 - Feb 25
LPR2042 KDW Submission Feb 25.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB