We think that Cherwell’s 2042 Plan provides an opportunity for Kidlington. At the first stage of consultation (in 2020), the Parish Council proposed a “Green Ring”: a network of linked green spaces surrounding the village in order to help preserve Kidlington’s distinct identity and countryside setting.
Kidlington Development Watch (KDW) supported this and, in subsequent consultations in 2021 and 2023, put forward several ideas for how this green network might be achieved in practice. This included proposals for three new Local Green Spaces (a formal planning designation) which are shown on the map below
Other elements that could be part of the Green Ring are also shown on the map and include:
More information on our Green Ring analysis and LGS proposals can be found in the links below by clicking on the links below:
This area once included called Bury Moor and Bury Field, while an old name for ‘The Moors’ was ‘Bury Moor Road. So we have called our proposed LGS ‘Bury Moor Fields’.
These are the fields – mainly paddocks - west of the St.Mary’s-Mill End Public Footpath.(Not the St Mary’s Fields Nature Reserve). They are important to the setting of the Grade I listed St Mary’s Church.
The final draft plan takes up our earlier proposal to designate the Nature Reserve, but not the Playing Fields. We would like to see both designated as LGS either as a whole or separately for each element.
You can download our final submission in pdf form HERE.