You can, of course, make your own representations on the plan to Cherwell.


For example, you could write to say why you support our proposals for Local Green Spaces. If you wish to do this, please be aware that it’s important to say why the land in question is special in terms of the LGS criteria. These include proximity to the community, beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field) tranquillity and  richness of wildlife. It doesn’t help to say that you would like it designated simply to protect it from development.


You may also want to comment on other parts of the plan.


All of the Plan documents and more information about how to respond is on Cherwell Council’s website at:


In summary, you can

The official form is in two parts. Part A is for personal details. Part B is used for making comments, with a separate Part B form used for each comment.

 Please note that you do not have to use the official form to make responses.


However it is important to provide your name and contact details (postal and email address). (As required in Part A of the form)


It is also best to make separate representations on each individual part of the plan you wish to comment on (Corresponding to the Part B forms). Each representation should state:

  • The Paragraph or Policy you wish to comment on (for example Local Green Spaces are covered by Policy COM25, pages158-9, of the plan.
  • Whether you consider the plan legally compliant, compliant with the duty to cooperate and sound. The first two of these are difficult to assess but you can leave them blank in the downloadable form. If you object to part of the plan you should say you consider it Unsound (in that respect). You could also support parts of the plan and say you consider it Sound.
  •  Your reasons for saying that it is Unsound/Sound (this is where you make your main comment)
  •  The changes you would like (for example that the Local Green Spaces we propose should be added to the list in Policy COM25)